Abundant Life Int'l Worship Center

Abundant Life Int'l Worship Center, Inc. is an exciting, creative and Word Worship Center building a strong community of people of all ages who want to learn more about God. Together we discover our purpose and destiny while lending our talents and skills to build a strong and vibrant community.

At Abundant Life Worship Center, children learn about God's purpose in their lives, build friendships and utilize their talents in the Youth Brigade. 

Learning Opportunities: 

Kingdom Keys is an interactive time of Bible Study for all ages. We teach through Bible Competitions, Open Discussion and through viewing Christian movies followed up with group discussion. Kingdom Keys is a time to learn God's plan, purpose and how to become all He created you to be.

Kingdom Keys meets every Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. -8:00p.m.

Bible Institute meets every Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Worship Opportunities:  

Family Worship meets every Sunday at 11:15 a.m.

Classes at Kingdom Keys and Bible Institute are available for all ages. 


Giving Opportunities:  
